cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 08, 2011 19:49
topher: oh my geek!, geek: topher brink, type: screencap, ep: 1x12 omega, expression: shocked, location: topher's lab, damn!: it's a flashback, season: 1
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Oct 03, 2010 17:16
ep: 1x03 stage fright, location: club, actual: rayna russell, expression: shocked, wardrobe: popsingerish, type: picspam, season: 1
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jun 18, 2010 19:13
icu: makin' funny faces, expression: cute, type: picspam, type: quotes, doll: echo, echo: i got a freakin' f?, echo: iz not amused, echo: this can't be right!, echo's imprint: college student kiki, expression: wtf?!, expression: shocked, ep: 2x03 belle chose, ohmydoll: so sweet & innocent, season: 2, client: prof. edmond gossen
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Apr 25, 2010 17:44
game: who is it?, type: screencap, geek: bennett halverson, ep: 2x11 getting closer, type: game, expression: shocked, season: 2, bennett: what the frak?!1! :o
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Mar 04, 2010 18:53
echo: is this even real life?, echo's imprint: wife rebecca mynor, ep: 1x06 man on the street, echo: finally figuring it out, doll: echo, echo: you did porn?!, type: screencap, expression: wtf?!, expression: shocked, season: 1, echo: oh no you didn't!